
Patient diagnosed with bronchiectasis:

Confirmed by a standard CT scan, which is characterized by:

a) Daily productive cough for at least six continuous months;


b) Frequent (i.e. three or more in a year) exacerbations requiring antibiotic therapy;


There must be well-documented failure of standard treatments to adequately mobilize retained secretions.

Examples of standard treatments:

Confirmed by a standard CT scan, which is characterized by:

  • Manual Chest Percussion Therapy (CPT)
  • Postural drainage
  • Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) device
  • Nebulized medication with mucolytic

Reimbursement services

Main airway clearance systems prescribed for specific diagnoses, including BE, are approved by payment for more than 1,500 commercial insurance companies and government-funded payers annually.

The insurance submission process can be complex and time-consuming. Patients can ask their airway clearance therapy device manufacturer if they will work with the insurer to:

  • Assemble and submit required paperwork
  • Answer questions
  • Coordinate appeals

In the even that a patient does not have the financial resources to pay for what insurance does not cover, ask the manufacturer about assistance programs and payment plan options.

Additional Resources

For more information on airway clearance therapies, visit

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